Senior Director of Venture Investments Agriculture
"We must not forget that we are social beings, and that we owe something to society and to the world." - Farmers Almanac, 1882

Turning sci-fi into sci-fact
12+ years working in research and tech to advance the way we grow
Business guru
Led various sized teams from frontline IT helpdesks to strategic leadership groups at startups and fortune 100 companies
Aspiring anthropologist
Minored in anthropology, but the intersection of food and society has always been and will always be a passion
I have been collecting and reading old hardcover books from estate sales with the hope of building my own Beauty & the Beast library!
PJ comes from a scientific background and has also experienced the frontlines of digital innovation. He has spent his entire career in the agriculture/food industry seeking scientific and technological developments that will have a major impact on the future of agriculture and our food supply – moving the focus of agriculture from simply producing more, to producing better.