Brand & Community Engagement Associate
"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs

Brand management & digital marketing novice
After completing a Corporate Business Administration Bachelor Study Program at Bayer, now works in Brand Management and Digital Marketing
Biotech and science novice
Fascinated by what’s possible in biotech, each day expanding knowledge in sciences by working for Leaps and communicating about some of the most disruptive ideas and technologies
Interior design
Passionate about beautiful and special interior styles. Love reading interior design magazines and spending hours in interior stores, especially in the decorating section
Food and fitness
Love cooking at home and trying new restaurants around Berlin. Staying strong and healthy to keep a healthy and clear mind
Neele did a corporate bachelor study program at Bayer. After finishing her degree, she joined the Leaps team and is now mainly focused on taking care of Leaps’ social media channels, building skills in content strategy and management, as well as expanding her knowledge of biotech breakthrough technologies and digital solutions that could shape our future, solving some of the biggest challenges for humanity and our planet.